If my nose falls off, will I feel better?
That thought has been continously running through my head.
While I tell you about some of my daily problems that worsened my cold,
take a look at the pictures Hafiz-san took at nee-chan's convo.
First of all,
to Aneki who inquired about it in her comment on the last post,
Rieya's assignment didn't make it.
Some -insert extremely bad cursing word here- guy messed up her pendrive and she had no other copies of that illustrator file.
There was absolutely no way to fix it eventhough I used a vista OS
I really felt like crying because I was the one who did 80% of the work.
I don't know how Rieya's coping but she cried really badly in her class and when she showed up at my house, she was really pale.
I really felt sorry for her to the point where the feeling of crying myself dissipated.
And on that very same day,
I also ruined a classmate of mine's assignment.
I really felt bad for her so I offered to re-do it for her and I spent a good 30 minutes doing it.
But I don't think what I did was enough to re-pay her for all the sweat and hardwork she did on her original one.
I really am apologetic about this.
I'm so sorry, Zima.
Next time, please be more wary about letting me hold the mouse in regards to your assignment. I may know a bit more about photoshop than you but it's your own work that matters most.
I'm really sorry.
I have sore throat now,
something to include to the amount of health difficulties I'm suffering now.
I'm coping well.
I can still laugh but my temper is a bit more quick now and I don't have much mood for anything
Okay, now I see what nee-san was fussing about.
She looks so fake in this picture. Must apologize.
[Gomen nasai.]
Hey, miss me too! Just because I've gone longer doesn't mean you guys can forget about me!
It makes me want to cry, y'know!
Today, I ate Kak Su's spaghetti so you're all forgiven.
Let's go to sleep now