Silver Diamond: 波 pt 1

I think I want to try translating the whole volume 16. I'm going to do it in a very slow pace though since I'm also still waiting for even more reliable scanlations of the series. It is now up to volume 13, right? It won't be long now^^

(updated 17-01-12)I'm a really slow fan whoops but the people at shiho_s_diamond are doing the scanlations and they've finished scanlating up to vol 13^^ So if anyone wants to download and read them, just head over there and become a member. 
That said, I will take down my crappy translations as soon as I see that they've scanlated vol 16. Before that, I guess I'll continue to have fun with this (Plus, it's a learning experience).

I'm just doing this for fun and my translations are really bad because I've seriously never gotten proper Japanese language lessons so anyone who's a fan of Silver Diamond and somehow stumbled upon this post, don't trust my translation 100%. Not even 70%, okay?

As before, I'll leave the Japanese text in case anyone who can understand it better will be able to help me correct it ^^ I honestly want to understand it as well.

To view it in full size, please right click and open it in a new tab/window. I don't think the new feature allows you to zoom just by clicking

Page 007
金隷: どうぞ皇子 今日はもう
金隷: 遅いですから お休みください
金隷: .....皇子? どうなさいました?
金隷: さっきから何か
金隷: 機嫌が悪いような...
皇子: ...金隷 あの者たちも「仲間」か
金隷: え? -
I originally went for 'companions' rather than 'comrades' but when I thought about other action/adventure anime series, I just kind of...
The part in black that I didn't translate (idk why) is 「波」 which means waves

Page 008
 皇子: あの者たちを私と同等に扱ったら
皇子: 許さないからな...!
金隷: ああ それでずっと....
金隷: 案外 可愛い事を言いますね
皇子: 何!?
金隷: あれは「仲間」ですよ 皇子
The moment I saw the word 'kawaii' I just kind of had to give a moment to myself to giggle in a creepy fangirl-ish way because I thought the prince saying those kind of childish things (though it's pretty normal) is kind of adorable.

The workings of a fangirl's mind. It's hard to understand

Page 009
 金隷:「仲間」とは 「使える道具」の事です
金隷: あなたと私のための
金隷: .....私にとって  あなたと同じものは
金隷: あなた以外にありませんよ  皇子
金隷: 嘘をついてますか 私は
皇子: ...じゃあそれならもういい!
金隷: はい
皇子: 私のみを大事にしろよ
金隷: はいはい
皇子: 二度!?
金隷: さ どうぞ中ヘ
Ugh this was killer to translate. What are you trying to say, Kinrei?! I just kind of put it in a way that doesn't seem too awkward (I hope)

Page 010
金隷: ああ...緑に戻したのか
金隷: 大した知能は無い筈だが...
金隷: 沙芽の本能みたいなものか
I hope I got this much right. It was so confusing @A@ Saying something like 'the green has returned' feels weird though. Maybe I should have tried to word it better though I can't think of another way to put it

Page 011

皇子(?): なんだろうな この感覚--.....
千艸: ...羅貫

Page 037 (yup, I skip a lot)
一灯: 千鋃!
一灯: やばい何か...でかい化物が下から

Page 038
羅貫: あっ大蛇
夕吾: えっ普通!?
千艸: 大丈夫だよ
夕吾: 何が!?
灯二: なんだ大蛇か
成重: 何かの用ですかね
淕楼: おまえらも普通!?
西南: いやオイ! 誰か乗ってんぞ! 女...
羅貫: えっ女の子!? -
千艸: 本当だ -
みつば: あからさまに怪しいだろそれ!?
倡嗣: ヘビ遣い!?
柄光(?): 敵なんじゃ...

This was one the very earliest translations so I didn't think to write down the Japanese text and most of them I understood anyway.

Page 041

三重: 兄さま!
成重: 三重 ...こんにちは
羅貫: うっ本気の他人行儀!!
三重: あっこんにちは
羅貫: あっ妹さんも他人行儀!?   大丈夫かこの2人
成重: どうしてこのな所に?
三重: あの...ええっと  こちらの卯の花さまと  真珠さまが
三重: 兄さまの所に連れ来て下さるって...
成重: ...真珠さまが?
虹: ほう
三重: はい 私にも  とても優しくして下さって...
三重: ええっと  あの
三重: 母さまともお友達になって下さるって
三重: 約束して下さったんです
Sae is very polite and formal even to her brother so I had a lot of difficulty with her. I actually went through more than 3 forums discussing about formal sentences. It is, however, lost in translations. As you can see.

That's about it for now. I'll update this when I get the pages in between done. This post will probably contain half of this chapter

8 thoughts:

W 2:15 AM, January 13, 2012  

dunno u r a translator~ ^^

Unknown 1:15 PM, January 13, 2012  


Oh lol not much. I'm just doing this for fun and it's not actually correct anyway.

W 12:18 AM, January 14, 2012  

hahah where r u now?
r u still in kl?

Unknown 2:09 AM, January 14, 2012  

I'm currently in Kedah. Will probably return to KL by the end of this month.
How about you?

W 7:34 PM, January 14, 2012  

currently in kl..
going back to kedah next week for a week..
i thought u r done here n supposed to continue at uum?

Sandreen 11:33 PM, January 17, 2012  

Heya~ :) Sandreen here. I stumbled over your site while I was looking for something. XD I'm also planning to scanlate volume 16, but since you're already scanlating it, do you want to collaborate with me? :)
I've also tried doing a rough translation of the volume, but I'm sure there are still a lot of grammar mistakes here and there since I have yet to look over it. XD If you want, we can collaborate on translating and editting the manga. :D

Unknown 3:57 AM, January 18, 2012  

Uwah! I don't know if I'd be of much help other than editing since, as you can see from my translations above, I am lacking in many places.
But I would be very honoured to help in any way I can (ノ≧∀≦)ノ

Sandreen 3:00 PM, January 18, 2012  

Haha~ ^^ Don't worry, I can't say my translations are 100% perfect either, as I'm still studying Japanese too. I think you have a fair grasp on it though. :) If you want, you can help me in proofreading my translations, as well as in editting. You have an LJ right? We can discuss more about it thru PM there. ^^

~*About this Blog Owner*~

An introvert imaginist suffering claustrophobia, ADD and hemaphobia and sudden social reclusion. Enjoys drawing, watching animations, singing badly, daydreaming, surfing the internet.

Appears harmless and most of the time, semi-transparent. Easily flustered when in company, overly shy, prefers slinking into the shadow and wouldn't be shocked if you didn't notice or recognise her.

Mostly hovers at Tumblr, Deviantart, and Drawr. Basically doesn't have any other life except as a partially-sane fangirl. Has a tendency to doodle at empty spaces.
Specialize in digital imagery and is currently taking Diploma in Multimedia Application. Has an extreme liking to multimedia editing softwares and photography.

Warning: May suffer severe sugar rush at times - even without consumption of high-glucose content food...and I know Wapanese! Beware!


I am also an artist of somekind