So What's the English Word for 'Kenduri'?

Last Friday, nee-san and I, after what felt like years but was actually only three months or so, was given the chance to meet back with okaa-san and imouto-chan.
We also got to meet with nee-chan but that's a different story.

You see, a cousin of ours got married last Saturday
and they needed hard labour workers
This entry is probably going to be just short reviews that will hopefully be enough until I have gathered enough willpower to edit other pics and write a better report.

this is a report spoiler.
Because this is Intan-san in her third dress.
The last dress we saw her in before we had to depart back to KL.
But...hell, just take this as a small sneak peak.
Now, let's go back to the time everyone had to do labour work that comes with this kind of celebration.

Here, we see the bride(to-be at that moment) talking on the phone in her room.

The 'pelamin'

The backdrop in the room
Wait - I'm not sure it's called that! Please correct me!

Hardworking cousin is hardworking


What happens when too many people try to tackle one 'hantaran'

Awesome henna is awesome.
Yup! That's all for now. Take this as a prologue of sorts for a series of, hopefully, related posts. I'm still hoping to gather information but...yeah.
I'm also hoping to be able to see okaa-san's side of the story that I hope she'll find time to write in her blog once she returns home tomorrow
which, by the way, is still empty.
for now~

5 thoughts:

Just_najmiE 10:27 AM, March 15, 2010  

wahhh, so festive!!
I wanna gooooooo... (T___T)

Sharifah 10:32 PM, March 16, 2010  

lol at 'sendings'. xDDDDD I always thought it's called 'wedding gifts' but... LOL

That dress. asdfghjkl so pretty.

Ah, I remember my cousin's wedding... In which I alone had to do all the designing of the 'hantaran's.

p/s: I've been told that we can't do henna. orz it's pretty but...

Sharifah 10:33 PM, March 16, 2010  

Oh yeah. Congratulations of your cousin's wedding~ Hope she'll be happy with whomever it is she married~

Sharifah 12:36 PM, March 19, 2010  

yeah, hantaran is called dowry. <_<;; /just remembered that today

Unknown 11:06 AM, March 30, 2010  

Lol~ Anis-chan! >w<

I heard about the henna too. But it's already something of a tradition for our people. I dunno, I wouldn't want henna on my wedding though...

Lol, yeah dowry. I'm not so apt in the vocabulary section. Thanks for telling and thanks for the wish; I'm sure she appreciates it

~*About this Blog Owner*~

An introvert imaginist suffering claustrophobia, ADD and hemaphobia and sudden social reclusion. Enjoys drawing, watching animations, singing badly, daydreaming, surfing the internet.

Appears harmless and most of the time, semi-transparent. Easily flustered when in company, overly shy, prefers slinking into the shadow and wouldn't be shocked if you didn't notice or recognise her.

Mostly hovers at Tumblr, Deviantart, and Drawr. Basically doesn't have any other life except as a partially-sane fangirl. Has a tendency to doodle at empty spaces.
Specialize in digital imagery and is currently taking Diploma in Multimedia Application. Has an extreme liking to multimedia editing softwares and photography.

Warning: May suffer severe sugar rush at times - even without consumption of high-glucose content food...and I know Wapanese! Beware!


I am also an artist of somekind