Random 23rd

Regarding the previous post, ^this is what I did.
It piqued only very few interests and I was really sad to note only 1 out of my five friends(or classmates if you may have it) knew about what is happening in the Middle-East. It's a bit sad but we mustn't give up.
I hope everyone will keep sending their prayers to the Libyans who are fighting for their rights.

I had this on for nearly half the day. I think it gave me a bit of idea but we'll see how things go.

Yes, that's me. ^^;
I tried a kind of self-portrait when I had a bit of privacy.
This really made me want to cry
...in sadness
because Photoshop is really amazing.

As a reminder, please don't forget to check my 2D-Animation group's blog at
1000 Words
I've just finished another scene.
Tomorrow I will rehearse for my presentation this Friday. I'm so nervous but I really want to do my best. This is important since it is for my future and I have a student crush on my lect.
Wish me luck~!

0 thoughts:

~*About this Blog Owner*~

An introvert imaginist suffering claustrophobia, ADD and hemaphobia and sudden social reclusion. Enjoys drawing, watching animations, singing badly, daydreaming, surfing the internet.

Appears harmless and most of the time, semi-transparent. Easily flustered when in company, overly shy, prefers slinking into the shadow and wouldn't be shocked if you didn't notice or recognise her.

Mostly hovers at Tumblr, Deviantart, and Drawr. Basically doesn't have any other life except as a partially-sane fangirl. Has a tendency to doodle at empty spaces.
Specialize in digital imagery and is currently taking Diploma in Multimedia Application. Has an extreme liking to multimedia editing softwares and photography.

Warning: May suffer severe sugar rush at times - even without consumption of high-glucose content food...and I know Wapanese! Beware!


I am also an artist of somekind