That Butterfly Feeling~

I'm so FUCKING HAPPY right now that I bet I'll explode if I get any more happier

Seriously, every Friday it feels like I transform into some kind of hormonal monster teenager. It's crazy!

I don't know which bitch claimed that it's hard to concentrate around someone you like, I find it's the opposite with me. The more I like the lecturer, the easier it is for me to accept what he/she says AND I'M TOTALLY SMITTEN OVER MY 2D LECTURER! But....ah...I'll have to do my best in the midterm. I'm weak against theories and definitions.

Okay, okay, enough about my fangirling.
Today, our 2D thumbnail storyboard was due. The storyline got somewhat rejected the week before so I was really adamant about doing it right the second time. (To my delight, everyone else was rejected too)

We worked really hard, as a team more now. I did the thumbnail and passed it to the 'perfect couple' for them to integrate it as a rough pass. They did quite a good job rendering my incomprehensible sketches - at least it exceeded my expectations and, seriously, I was thrilled to see our teamwork.

Zi-kun was supposed to handle our screenplay rough draft but she faced major technical difficulties that also affected her other assignments. I actually didn't mind if I had to take on her workload for the team but she really wanted to do it. In the end, it was a bit too much for her but she ended up making us an interesting cover page for our group. So, I did the screenplay. I seriously don't mind though! It's been nearly a year since I had a hand in writing a script.

Late into the night on Thursday, I was wrapping up everything that needed to get done. Early this morning, Nad-san, Ak-kun, Rieya-chan and I went to college early - for we thought we had our Digital Photography Class. It was canceled, regrettably, so we holed ourselves in the library and I did finishing touches (dialogues, camera movements, facial expression) on the rough pass.

I was supposed to present about Camera Shots this week so all throughout the morning, my stomach cramped in nervousness. It totally killed my appetite and made me feel queasy. It didn't help that my "lovely" group of friends were talking about insects in food incidents.

By the time we made it to class, I was a nervous-wreck. We had a short banter session about the recent earthquake and nuclear-poisoning that's happening in Japan but I, sadly, didn't know much about it and therefore couldn't join in as much. Rieya-chan left for home after that and that was when my nervousness escalated to many levels. My hand never stopped shaking and I bet I was really pale.

I felt sick with worry. I hoped to God my lecturer wouldn't remember about our presentation and would resume to teaching. I was also worried our storyline and rough pass would get rejected for being too simple or too long or just not enough. When other classmates began to file in, with all their versions of rough pass storyboard and storyline, I was near hyper-ventilating.

I'm pretty sure I annoyed the heck out of Nad-san and Zi-kun but all through the class I'm really thankful they put up with me.

Sensei came in after that. Oh gosh~! I think I was between paling (from fear of our assignment being rejected) and blushing (because ohmysenseiissocute!) As usual, my fear won over my lovesickness (if you can call it that) and when sensei was evaluating all the storyboards, and commenting on how to improve them (in my book, it means getting rejected) I was out of my mind with fear. One by one, he returned the storyboards to their groups with comments (It's too short, add camera shots, show the animation flow with arrows - practically everything my group has done) and, finally, he reached ours.

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.

You can totally imagine how I felt at that time. It felt more like he was deciding punishments for my baby rather than an assignment. I swear, my stomach churned so fucking painfully and my chest tightened unimaginably, I could hardly breathe right for that matter. My hand immediately gripped Zi-kun's thigh and squeezed - cuz I was scared like that.

And you know what he said?

It was perfect.

And we fucking brightened up so much, it was heart-wrenching. I swear, it felt like I got high on happiness if that was even possible. I wanted to giggle insanely and do a weird dance. I wanted to hug my teammates too but I have social restrictions so I didn't.

Sensei ended up passing our storyboard to others so that they can learn from it. I truly didn't mind. If my hard work - because I worked my backbone off for that - could help others, I'm more than willing to share. Nad-san and Zi-kun didn't have the same idea though. They were fearful of our rough pass being manhandled but I can understand how they feel, especially Nad-san who worked hard to draw the rough pass (She told me it took her 3 days)

Really. I'm so very thankful to my teammates for being of so many help this time around. I know I grumble a lot and they have to put up with my bossiness as well as my selfish pride but it worked out somehow. In all actuality, I love teamwork just as I love my alone time. I hope this will continue until the end of the semester.

I can't wait to get to our next team work.

Oh, and I really adore my lecturer. He's so cute and his smile is really nice~ I can't wait for the next 2D class~
He spoke a bit of Malay today and I thought it was really so goddamn cute

0 thoughts:

~*About this Blog Owner*~

An introvert imaginist suffering claustrophobia, ADD and hemaphobia and sudden social reclusion. Enjoys drawing, watching animations, singing badly, daydreaming, surfing the internet.

Appears harmless and most of the time, semi-transparent. Easily flustered when in company, overly shy, prefers slinking into the shadow and wouldn't be shocked if you didn't notice or recognise her.

Mostly hovers at Tumblr, Deviantart, and Drawr. Basically doesn't have any other life except as a partially-sane fangirl. Has a tendency to doodle at empty spaces.
Specialize in digital imagery and is currently taking Diploma in Multimedia Application. Has an extreme liking to multimedia editing softwares and photography.

Warning: May suffer severe sugar rush at times - even without consumption of high-glucose content food...and I know Wapanese! Beware!


I am also an artist of somekind