
SNSD's Gee:


It's still in WIP mode...I think.
I dunno. I feel pretty lazy about finishing it with colours since I don't know their official colours.
They're all based on Himaruya's own gender-bend hetalia characters so don't think I made them up. Also, mother Russia is hidden behind Roma-ko just because I don't have the clearer version of mother Russia's sketch
Gah...Igiko~ I want your cuteness
To get a better view of the Hetako designs, I present to you,
A bad sketch of them!:

I fail OTL
They remind me more of cosplayers than the actual character sketch. manly even as a woman.
Atleast Ni-ko appears more feminine than she did in the dance.

SNSD's Genie:


Take that, you uniform fetish people!! what I wanted to express.
But I'm also...
*looks away*
Anyway, Iceland-sama and Austria-san are in this!
I dunno. I figure Russia and Germany are too man for this attrocity.
Oh, looking sexy there, Iggy.
I have nothing against SNSD
These are parodies after all. Hwaiting SNSD! Hwaiting Hetalia!

7 thoughts:

intan 1:35 PM, February 15, 2010  

cool! nice!

MyLensJourney 9:00 AM, February 16, 2010  

nice! cool! lol

Kak ijah says love the sketch. ^^ I just love the drawing :p


Sharifah 11:15 PM, February 16, 2010  

ai-nee, the female counterpart of the hetalia characters are called 'nyotalia'! >w<

I-CHAN 11:53 PM, February 16, 2010  

nice oneXD

Unknown 3:18 PM, February 18, 2010  

Haha~ thanks everyone~

anis-chan~ thanks for the info!

Wahida K 10:34 PM, February 20, 2010  


Unknown 7:45 PM, February 21, 2010  

Lol~ Haha~ I did. I did copy it after all ^^;

~*About this Blog Owner*~

An introvert imaginist suffering claustrophobia, ADD and hemaphobia and sudden social reclusion. Enjoys drawing, watching animations, singing badly, daydreaming, surfing the internet.

Appears harmless and most of the time, semi-transparent. Easily flustered when in company, overly shy, prefers slinking into the shadow and wouldn't be shocked if you didn't notice or recognise her.

Mostly hovers at Tumblr, Deviantart, and Drawr. Basically doesn't have any other life except as a partially-sane fangirl. Has a tendency to doodle at empty spaces.
Specialize in digital imagery and is currently taking Diploma in Multimedia Application. Has an extreme liking to multimedia editing softwares and photography.

Warning: May suffer severe sugar rush at times - even without consumption of high-glucose content food...and I know Wapanese! Beware!


I am also an artist of somekind