KLMU Haz Internetz Nao!

Italy and Germany.
Giftart for this kawaii imouto at DevArt
Align Center
WTF? There's free WI-FI at KLMU?
Since when?


DevArt got banned!!!
What's the point in accesing internet if I can't open DevArt?!
Well, to write my blog of course!

But I've, like, got nothin' to say now.
There's a bunch of people around. Makes me nervous and everything.
Oh! I just remembered something.
I did this last night just as a small tribute from a fan

Yuujin-sshi from Winter Sonata.
It looks like her dammit!
...and isn't chibi!Korea cute? He's saying [WINTER SONATA originated from me!]
and for once, he ain't lying.

I drew it at, like 12AM and so colouring sucks like something I dun want to mention.

Eversince Kak Long saw WS anime episode 1, she's been wanting to re-watch the drama again.
Mind you, the anime is like waaaaay different from the drama.
I get this feeling, watching the anime, that it's a conspiracy to increase the sale rate of the Drama CDs
I mean, to those who've seen the anime,
don't you think it sucked kind of
well....a lot?
It was like...for nostalgic purposes or something.
Of course I get excited when I see JunSang but YuuJin was a great disappointment. I mean, she wasn't as cute as I thought was possible and the anime felt very stiff overall.

enough rant about the anime. Must give it some credit since I still get to hear sexy Bae YoungJun's voice.
Kak Long and nee-san have been re-watching it since nee-san had the WS Drama boxset thingy.
I...was just not interested.
I mean, I watched a bit if I pass by or I'm bored, which rarely happens, but I just don't feel the utmost interest to sit down and watch.
Anje watched as well, but mostly on her own.

Oh, last Saturday...
before going on a hunt for WI-FI,
This happened

click to enlarge

Sorry about the horrible handwriting.
And as last note,
I'm really bummed with assignments. I'm finally taking it seriously.
Not like I never...I just procrastinate.

I hope Alang returns so I can borrow her broadband and submit my second giftart,
Spain and Romano
Meh, this one didn't turn out so well but I worked hardest on this than on the Italy and Germany one.

BTW, all images in this entry was drawn using that drawing tablet.

I wanna go home

4 thoughts:

Wahida K 7:38 PM, November 24, 2009  

the chibi one that is involving you and .....

it is soo cute and chibi-ish....

hai-5 sistah.....

hope to seing you soon

Sharifah 10:18 PM, November 24, 2009  

Lol, Ai-nee. Your blogs are always so cute. xD aww, chibi!Korea is so adorable i don't even know anymore -huggles chibiKorea-

and... I don't get the 'sarcasm fail' strip. Eh?

Unknown 12:51 AM, November 25, 2009  

to Wahida-chan,
That's Kak Long lol.
and you mispelled seriously
Hoping to see everyone again soon to

to Anis-chan,
You can keep that chibi!korea
About the strip; I was trying to be sarcastic but the sarcasm didn't get through. So I failed.

Sharifah 10:32 PM, December 02, 2009  

-nod- I see. xD and thanks~ -huggles chibiKorea- I hope he doesn't grope me or something, though...

~*About this Blog Owner*~

An introvert imaginist suffering claustrophobia, ADD and hemaphobia and sudden social reclusion. Enjoys drawing, watching animations, singing badly, daydreaming, surfing the internet.

Appears harmless and most of the time, semi-transparent. Easily flustered when in company, overly shy, prefers slinking into the shadow and wouldn't be shocked if you didn't notice or recognise her.

Mostly hovers at Tumblr, Deviantart, and Drawr. Basically doesn't have any other life except as a partially-sane fangirl. Has a tendency to doodle at empty spaces.
Specialize in digital imagery and is currently taking Diploma in Multimedia Application. Has an extreme liking to multimedia editing softwares and photography.

Warning: May suffer severe sugar rush at times - even without consumption of high-glucose content food...and I know Wapanese! Beware!


I am also an artist of somekind