Night Market?

Yesterday, the day started well even if we did miss sahur and didn't get to fast.

Oh yeah, how's about those new shoes?
cheap one, lol.

Because I got fed up waiting for the T224 bus, I took the T223 one to Titiwangsa and hopped on the tren. This one is the monorail station taken from the tren platform to Sultan Ismail.

There was one big abandoned building right next to it. I wonder if Titiwangsa is haunted because normally abandoned places tend to gather those things.
I wonder why it was abandoned in the first place.

Anyway, today there was the weekly pasar malam in Taman Dato' Senu and we wanted to give it a shot. My class finished at 6 so everyone had to wait for my return before we all headed out. I was feeling quite drained actually but at the thought of us going out together like this made me hyper again.

Kak Su and Alang just as we were heading out.

Anje made a grab for me and we were hollering around like idiots who had never stepped outside. I don't know where she got that craziness from.
*looks away*

It was closed but they sold fruits and fried stuff here in the day.
Students buy from here often just before they pass the gate.

The evening was a splendid one and I really like how this photo turned out.
I was walking, well because of Anje, we were practically marching, when i took this.

Alang and Kak Su as well as Kak Long in the middle. They lagged a bit behind because Anje and I were new recruits from crazy camp and found the need to march ahead like jovial kids from lala-land. If it wasn't for me stopping Anje somewhere along the way, I bet we'd totally seperate from the group.

The traffic was pretty busy along that road.

This is truly a sight that saddens me. I hate the unhygienic mindset our people has. I truly despise it. What is so wrong with proper elimination of waste?

There was soccer practice on the field behind Anje. Under the pretense of capturing her 'peace' picture, my true objective was to show those sweaty boys in the background.
*nauseous feeling*

There were a lot of things sold there. Like kids' transportation(lol, wth?)

mini study table



plush toys

assortment of water and a whole bunch more. There were also mini pizza and yong tau fu? I dunno. There was just so many things sold there (like any random pasar malam)

We had honey chicken wings for dinner and supper. Kak Su helped buy it for us. She had such a great customer aura that day.

Mini conference while waiting for the guy to pack the food

She also bought some chicken's chest for a friend of hers. Customer aura: 100% on!

Alang and Anje, while we were waiting for Kak Su to buy the chickens.
There was a picture before this of a candid Alang but I couldn't post it up here because I was afraid it might humiliate her to some degree.
Candid photo is candid.

When we went in deeper, we saw tudungs! Of many variety.

The natural effect the phone camera had. It gives off a very 'action' feel to it. It was like Kak Su was rushing through the street.
Please keep your eyes above the waistline. Thank you.

A shirt I would never dream of buying but still looks nice.

For sahur, Kak Long bought something from here and it tasted alright.

Dinner commences! Strange brown and green appetizers

The honey chicken wings and John bread.
(lol, john bread sound off)

They even made milo water that we added with the 50 cent ice.
We had such a joyful dinner

4 thoughts:

Just_najmiE 7:32 AM, July 29, 2009  

waaahh, looks like u had fun.. (^^,)

Khadijah 2:19 PM, July 29, 2009  

i'm glad u had fun going to the night market...

kirim salam to alang, anje and kak su ok...

hahahaha i called them the way u did...:D

Stay healthy...

Love u

:) Smile Always

Wahida K 5:48 PM, July 29, 2009  

waaahhhh.....u don't always go to pasar malam....
what made u go?

the picture of kak su rushing to the street is seriously pretty by the caption...

what camera did you take?

stay healthy......

Unknown 8:26 PM, July 29, 2009  

Oh yeah I had loads of fun!
Wahida, I took the pics with my phone camera.

~*About this Blog Owner*~

An introvert imaginist suffering claustrophobia, ADD and hemaphobia and sudden social reclusion. Enjoys drawing, watching animations, singing badly, daydreaming, surfing the internet.

Appears harmless and most of the time, semi-transparent. Easily flustered when in company, overly shy, prefers slinking into the shadow and wouldn't be shocked if you didn't notice or recognise her.

Mostly hovers at Tumblr, Deviantart, and Drawr. Basically doesn't have any other life except as a partially-sane fangirl. Has a tendency to doodle at empty spaces.
Specialize in digital imagery and is currently taking Diploma in Multimedia Application. Has an extreme liking to multimedia editing softwares and photography.

Warning: May suffer severe sugar rush at times - even without consumption of high-glucose content food...and I know Wapanese! Beware!


I am also an artist of somekind