Of Movies and Transforming

I watched Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen last Monday!
My housemate, Yana, and I went to KLCC the other day because I had a craving for Dunkin Donuts after seeing a picture of mannequin-me in front of the store. On a whim, I asked Yana if she wanted to go see a movie with me and she agreed after a 0.01 second of thought.
Since Transformer 2 was the new black in the Cinemas and it received overwhelming reviews from close people *coughnee-chancough*, I decided on that.
Yana paid for the tickets, which by the way cost RM 11 because it was such a big effing hit, and I offered to wait in line. Around 4.30, after an exciting visit to Kinokuniya again where I purchased a screentone and Silver Diamond vol 3, we sought our seats
and watched the whole movie.

1 thoughts:

Just_najmiE 8:27 AM, July 01, 2009  


transformers 2 was awesome shit! wuhoooooo!!!! gonna see it again when I have the money.. ufufufu~~

~*About this Blog Owner*~

An introvert imaginist suffering claustrophobia, ADD and hemaphobia and sudden social reclusion. Enjoys drawing, watching animations, singing badly, daydreaming, surfing the internet.

Appears harmless and most of the time, semi-transparent. Easily flustered when in company, overly shy, prefers slinking into the shadow and wouldn't be shocked if you didn't notice or recognise her.

Mostly hovers at Tumblr, Deviantart, and Drawr. Basically doesn't have any other life except as a partially-sane fangirl. Has a tendency to doodle at empty spaces.
Specialize in digital imagery and is currently taking Diploma in Multimedia Application. Has an extreme liking to multimedia editing softwares and photography.

Warning: May suffer severe sugar rush at times - even without consumption of high-glucose content food...and I know Wapanese! Beware!


I am also an artist of somekind